The "official Primal Diet coaching" scam
A complete review

The "official Primal Diet coaching" is led by Phoenix, who received from the official Primal Diet trust the right to use the Primal Diet trademark, and has been given free reign to control

Note: At least 30% of coaches already left when they learned from us about Chris' abuse and Phoenix's utter lack of integrity in keeping him on board.

We spent hours going in-depth through all their coaching content, including paywalled videos and consults, and the deeper we went, the worse it got.

We can say with the utmost certainty that these coaches are frauds.
They are incompetent, mediocre at best, dishonest and deliberately sabotaging Aajonus' works at worst.
And Phoenix, the leader of this project, is the latter.

They go against the very fundamentals of Primal Diet:

  • telling people to eat frozen meat,
  • to fast,
  • to keep bleeding instead of using Aajonus' remedy to stop bleeding,
  • to use essential oils vaporizers,
  • to eat low fat (to some),
  • to not drink celery juice (to some),
  • to drink coffee (to some),
  • to not eat cheese before meals,
  • to put yogurt in celery juice,
  • to be open-minded about supplements,
  • to follow Ayurveda and other practices over Primal Diet,
  • and more.

These are not minor detail that they get wrong, but core principles, and advice that can put people at risk.

They go against so many of Aajonus' teachings that it cannot be called Primal Diet anymore. Even more outrageous, they are lying about what Aajonus said, going as far as fabricating statements of him saying the opposite of what he actually said.

Jim Ellingson, who managed the official Primal Diet website since 2006 until handing it over to Phoenix recently, has said, since Aajonus died, that his work could not be published publicly, for free, because people could misquote him and take things out of context.

Yet now, this is exactly what Phoenix is doing.

This page will show the major examples from our findings.

Frozen meat

Phoenix directly goes against Aajonus by saying frozen meat is fine to eat, completely ignoring Aajonus' experiments.

Aajonus is without a doubt, 100% against eating frozen meat, and explicitly says that he did experiments on it that prove it is toxic.
You can read it below:


You have to find somebody who will sell it to you unfrozen.

My animal tests in the late 80s took one group of animals and fed them the same meat frozen - a side of beef, a half of a beef.

I split it and froze one of them for 10 days and I fed that one group frozen, from the same meat, the same animal. I fed the other group non-frozen, I did refrigerate it.

ALL the animals that ate frozen got skin disease within 6 weeks.

One of them had the mange. Those that had it unfrozen didn't drink much water. [the others] guzzled down the water and they all had skin disease. So, there are a lot of toxins produced by freezing your meats.

You could create heterocyclic amines, lipid peroxides, all kinds of [inaudible]. What it is, I didn't test for it as that would have been about $80,000 to test chemically for it. I was interested in the results.

So then I knew that raw butter will heal any skin disorder, no matter what it is. So, I took butter from the same batch froze it for 10 days Some I began giving to them; I split that group in two. I gave unfrozen raw butter to those animals.

The ones that got the frozen butter took 5 times longer to heal their skin disorder.

So, if I break that down statistically, that means that destroyed 80 percent of the healing nutrients in the butter. In the meat, it actually made it toxic.

I have watched people feed their animals frozen meat and I watched them get skin disorders.

It takes longer because I am giving them raw butter and I am giving them raw eggs.

But they figure, ‘oh, it is just the animal. I will just feed them regular meats - frozen meats - from the store’. But there is a repercussion for it.



You mentioned not to eat frozen meat.


Fruits are the only thing that can be frozen.

May 30, 2010, Q&A

Aajonus' stance is clear. However, Phoenix's wife, Avyanna, writes in their Signal group that Aajonus actually made a typo in his book, that he actually wasn't against frozen meat!

This is an insidious lie. As you can read above in Aajonus' quote, him saying freezing destroys 80% of the nutrients in meat, and even generates toxins in it, is very intentional and not a typo. And it is not from the book, as she says, it is something he repeats many times over the years, and he consistently repeats the same figure.

So these people are liars who trick people into doing things that Aajonus say are harmful, while telling them Aajonus approved of them. This is not idiocy, this is deliberate sabotage.

Chris "EatRawMeat", the online abuser who joined Phoenix and says he co-founded their coaching business, also pushes this disinformation. He writes Aajonus changed his mind about frozen meat and wasn't against it anymore.

Aajonus repeated only 2 months before his death that "frozen meat is toxic".


Frozen meat is toxic. So not a good thing to eat.

June 16, 2013, Q&A

Chris knows this very well. He read the page where we wrote this already.

It is troubling that they doubled down in such a fashion after we pointed out how wrong they were last time, and could only come up with more radical deception to push their misinformation.

This is already sufficient to revoke the rights of those people to use the Primal Diet trademark and run the official websites. They can create their own diet if they so desire, with its own name, without scamming people who are paying to learn Aajonus' diet; but lying about Aajonus' most vital recommendations is unacceptable.

But they manage to reach new lows.

Phoenix advises more bleeding

Phoenix tells a man with ulcerative colitis to keep bleeding.

The man tells Phoenix he is using Aajonus' cabbage juice remedy to stop the bleeding.

Phoenix tells him to STOP Aajonus' remedy, saying it is just "masking the detox".

That's absolutely wrong, the remedy doesn't stop the detox at all, it protects the body from damage while the detox takes place.

In addition, Kimberley tells the man to have "anything fermented".

This is also the EXACT opposite of what Aajonus said.
This is not an exaggeration, see the quote of Aajonus below:


[Question about colitis]


Cabbage juice is the only thing that will stop the bleeding but you can’t drink alcohol; have nothing too fermented.

Jan 9, 2011, Q&A

They managed to give the two exactly opposite statements.

At this point, you can wonder if it is intentional, or just extremely unfortunate. In any case, they are definitely incompetent.

Phoenix also recommends him less fat (!).
Aajonus makes it very clear that he wants everyone to eat as much fat as they can, to heal faster. Fat is essential to heal and a lot of it is necessary to protect the body from toxins from damage such as bleeding.

So you have Phoenix and Kimberley giving damaging, and potentially dangerous advice that is the polar opposite of Aajonus' words to people who traveled and paid him to get Primal Diet advice.

Phoenix makes up ridiculous explanations

To the same person with colitis, Phoenix gives the following explanation:


...he has overdigestion, he's got a lot of heat in his body, a lot of fire in his body and that's why he tends towards, towards diarrhea, it's because, because, his metabolism and his digestion, is over, overcooking.

Primal Diet conference, 2024

The metabolism is over-cooking? This is complete hogwash that has absolutely nothing to do with anything Aajonus said.

This doesn't need an explanation but to be thorough: "overdigestion" doesn't exist, if someone can digest more than other people, Aajonus obviously considers it a good thing. Besides, "overdigestion" would certainly not cause bleeding. Toxins cause bleeding and diarrhea. This is Aajonus' view.

In other instances, Phoenix shows his severe lack of understanding by not knowing what to say at all.

Yogurt in juice

Phoenix recommends to put yogurt in celery juice.

No comment needed.

And what is this yogurt that they keep recommending? Aajonus said yogurt is not raw, so what are they referring to? Clabbered raw milk? They do not even precise it.


Do you get the same effect with yogurt?


There is no raw yogurt.

Jan 22, 2000, Q&A

I didn’t give her yogurt because yogurt is made with milk heated to at least 112° to make it congeal quickly. Even low heat above 100° Fahrenheit makes the nutrients in milk inferior.

We Want To Live

Chris dismisses coconut cream and fruit

Chris tells people to stay away from coconut cream and fruit for the first year on the diet.

However, Aajonus recommended those to people right away. They are just to be kept in small amounts, not entirely eliminated. They are useful to help the body detoxify.

Phoenix ambiguous about salt, caffeine and alcohol

Phoenix says some body types do "better" with salt, caffeine and alcohol.

Aajonus is against all of these things. He considers them toxic no matter the person.

Phoenix tells the attendee, "but for you, no, absolutely 0, no added salt". Does this mean that some people of the other body types can have salt, then?

This is an ambiguous statement.

Where does Phoenix get this? Not from Aajonus. He seems to be getting it from Ayurveda. His classification of people by body types follows Ayurvedic Doshas, which he also posted on the "official Primal Diet coaching" website, despite Aajonus never having included them in the Primal Diet.

Phoenix leans against vegetable juice and lies again

After attacking meat with his freezing nonsense, Phoenix now attacks another key item of the Primal Diet, vegetable juice.

Let's start with another of Phoenix's lies about Aajonus.


You know, Aajonus, at least in the last 10 years of his life, wasn't having any green juice at all...

Primal Diet conference, 2024

This is a complete lie, as Aajonus was speaking of having celery juice just weeks before he died.


I always have my vegetable juice now in late morning or afternoon.

Jun 22, 2013, Q&A

Is Phoenix deeply ignorant about Aajonus despite saying he knew him, or is he once again lying on purpose?

This is also an extremely misleading statement to tell people who are new to the diet. People who are early in the diet need much more celery juice than people who have been decades on it.

Aajonus said that over the years, if you are consistent, you can progressively drink less juice, because of having less and less toxins in your body. On average, you start with around 4 cups a day, and every 7 years, you can reduce it by 1 cup. So it would take around 28 years to not need celery juice anymore.

Phoenix also tells people if they are worried about oxalates, they should substitute vegetable juice for primal lemonade.

This is one of the worst advice you can give to someone on the Primal Diet, and an amateurish misconception.

Vegetable juice is mandatory on the Primal Diet and nothing can substitute it. Other recipes like raw lemonades and sports formula are complementary to the vegetable juice, but can never replace it. Toxins will keep building up in the blood without it and create more and more problems in people who are on the Primal Diet.

On top of that, Aajonus warns that having more than a little bit of raw lemonade is extremely demineralizing to the body, but here again, Phoenix says the exact opposite! He says it's a good source of minerals.

According to Phoenix, honey is more important than vegetable juice, which is flat out wrong, because although it is useful, you can replace honey, but you cannot replace vegetable juice.

So this is doubly misleading advice.

In many places, Phoenix doesn't even mention celery juice at all when defining the Primal Diet.

Phoenix doesn't understand celery juice

When Phoenix is asked why celery juice can make your tired, he doesn't know.

When someone asks about fermented celery juice, Phoenix says another falsehood, pretending that Aajonus was still dabbling with it, (Aajonus already knew how it worked), and was going to put it in the detox book.

Chris also has several misconceptions about celery juice. He says if celery juice makes you tired, you need to add higher carb plants to it, like carrots or parsley. He also says having celery juice alone creates imbalances.

However, celery juice can make you tired simply because of detoxification, and not necessarily because it lowers blood sugar. Even vegetable juices with those higher carbs ingredients added can still make you tired if there is a lot of to detoxify at once. Having celery juice alone is possible, although parsley is also recommended by Aajonus for everyone. If individuals have high amounts of glycotoxins, having the celery juice alone usually doesn't lower their blood sugar.

Phoenix says fruits, honey and nuts are transitional foods

He says this in "Primal Diet 202", a video that is supposed to be about more advanced Primal Diet.

This is false, these foods are recommended (as part of recipes) for years, decades, on the diet. Unless you consider the whole regular Primal Diet to be transitional, until you are toxin-free and can eat only meat and fat, this statement is false.

Example: Aajonus recommends fruit meal or sports formula to most people, every day, or every 3 days, ...

Phoenix makes mistakes about weight loss cycles

Phoenix says the best way to detox is weight loss. That is not correct. Although Aajonus praised weight gain/loss cycles to detoxify faster, he clearly highlighted cheese trains, hot baths, and the likes, are even more efficient ways to detox. But this isn't the biggest problem in what he says.

He also says to only eat when very hungry. This is not what Aajonus recommended. Even on the weight loss diet, Aajonus recommended to eat raw animal protein every 5 hours at least, to avoid autophagy. People who listen to Phoenix here could end up fasting while Aajonus is strongly against fasting, especially when on a weight loss diet, often in a calorie and fat deficit.

Phoenix loses weight once a year, in winter. It is exactly at the time Aajonus recommends not to do it, since we need much more fat in winter to protect ourselves from the cold.

Phoenix says to eat less during detox

When experiencing "detox symptoms", Phoenix recommends to eat less. Again, this is not at all what Aajonus recommended. During a detoxification, the body might need as much fat as it can, and they should be provided if possible.

This is extremely bad advice, essentially telling someone in a vulnerable state to make themselves even weaker when they often need as many nutrients as they can get.

Kimberley says mind toxins are as poisonous as mercury

Although we lack a precise assessment from Aajonus on this topic, he did speak about mind over matter.

Mercury is the worst neurotoxin in the world. It is difficult to imagine thoughts so bad that they would rival it. If you swallow mercury, you can die. Is there a thought that can kill you instantly?

In any case, this isn't what Aajonus said. These are not comparable.

This could make people underestimate the danger of real, physical toxins. Some people might start thinking that it is better to eat toxic food than to have bad thoughts.

What she should have said instead, is separate her own beliefs for Primal Diet, and give a nuanced view by presenting what Aajonus said and discussing it:

  • when he read a book about mind over matter and went back to eating donuts and RC Cola and fell into autism again
  • when he experimented feeding certain fruits to stimulate horniness to those monastery people who were abstinent
  • when he quotes Elnora Van Winkle's research about how toxic hormonal byproducts store in the brain during trauma
  • etc.

Kimberley recommends essential oils

Kimberley recommends to use vaporizers to spray essential oils in the house.

For what purpose? To keep the house smelling fresh.

Aajonus considers essential oils to be toxic. They are heated at high temperatures and become solvents that penetrate cells and damage them.

This is a very basic mistake that Aajonus bashed in the past already, and that they are now repeating but using his own organization.

You can see what Aajonus said below when people posted about essential oils in the Facebook group:

Aajonus was complaining about the Facebook group giving such advice he didn't agree with, but that he could do nothing about it. Now his own organization itself is giving the same advice. He even said it is a trademark infringement to do so. So the official Primal Diet coaching is in direct violation of the Primal Diet trademark, at the very least in spirit.

Kimberley doesn't mention plants

In a video about "detoxing your home", Kimberley doesn't even mention plants for air purification. This was Aajonus' main recommendations besides using good fabrics and avoiding EMFs. He even gave a list of plants for which toxins they absorb. It seems like they didn't read Aajonus' newsletters.

Kimberley recommends a frequency machine

Were those recommended by Aajonus? No. Is this against Aajonus' teachings? Potentially.

Anything that Aajonus didn't recommend should be presented with a warning.

Kimberley says hormones are primarly protein

This is partially true, many hormones are fat-based (testosterone, estrogen, cortisol, etc.).

This is important to know because it explains why the body can release hormones in the presence of toxicity, to use the fat in them to protect itself.

Kimberley says to replace coffee with coffee milk

Aajonus consider coffee to be significantly toxic, and gave proper substitutes for it in his book, such as celery juice, and other water-based recipes, that can help replace coffee without the negative effects and help kick the addiction.

Celery juice works very well for many people.

Kimberley instead tells people to put a drop of coffee in raw milk. This is by the way the same thing she writes in her book Raw to Radiant that we have also read.

Her advice is very weak, not fit of an "official Primal Diet coach". Anyone who opens the book We Want To Live and goes to "coffee" section will immediately get a better advice than this. She should recommend to follow those recipes instead and only use her advice as a last resort for people who do not want to follow Aajonus' advice.

They fail to mention basic remedies

For someone with a knee problem, they fail to mention:

  • moisturizing-lubrication formula
  • white meat
  • cheese + honey + pineapple

They only get the hot baths right, but completely miss the main diet advice.

For gum recession, Phoenix recommends more meat. This is far from a complete answer and can even be wrong.

Mentioning more sources of fat and minerals such as raw dairy is more important. Making sure to limit fruit as well. Just recommending to eat more meat alone could lead to a worsening of the condition if the person doesn't eat enough fat and minerals, because although raw meat regenerates the body, it uses a lot of fat, and the body needs to keep an excess of fat to deal with toxins which cause gum recession.

There are several more examples like this.

Phoenix leans against cheese trains

When asked about eating cheese before meals, as Aajonus recommended to clear toxins, Phoenix instead speaks about eating fat with juice and meat meals, and dodges the question.

Cheese is also a very important part of the Primal Diet that Phoenix seems to dismiss. It is so useful that Aajonus was mentioning it constantly in his last years, such as in his last 2013 Chicago workshop. He discovered it could be the fastest way to detoxify the body, with with the least side-effects.

Phoenix says butter makes cheese bio-available

According to Phoenix, eating butter with cheese makes the cheese get digested... He really doesn't understand cheese trains. Only sources of sugar or enzymes like honey or fruit, eaten mashed together with the cheese, will make it get digested.

Phoenix says to wait 5 years before high meat

Phoenix says that if you have depression after 5 years on the diet, you can try high meat.

Aajonus never said to wait that long, even 2 years would be long. High meat is an important part of the diet, once again another key aspect that Phoenix pushes away from people.

Phoenix says "detox is not disease"

Phoenix has a paid video called "Detox is not disease". The title alone shows a complete misunderstanding of Aajonus' teachings.

Aajonus made two books with the purpose of teaching people that disease IS detoxification, a disease is a healing process where the body is getting rid of toxins.


Just remember, your disease is your detoxification. Your disease isn’t the problem, it’s the cure.

Jan 27, 2013, Q&A

You couldn't misrepresent Aajonus any more than this.

Phoenix wants people to be open-minded about supplements

Phoenix mentions one of their coaches went back to "biohacking" with supplements.

Phoenix proceeds to say he doesn't want people to listen to Aajonus or him, but to be open-minded.

Aajonus was firmly against supplements. Of course, here we are referring to synthetic supplements, or the ones extracted with either kerosene or gasoline that Aajonus famously talks about, saying they are more than 90% toxic.

People in the audience mention organ supplements (which are very different, they are just organs dried into a powder). It's as if they can't believe that Phoenix really was trying to incite them to consider using the toxic supplements that Aajonus strongly warns against.

Phoenix then says "Absolutely" and moves on, seeing he is encountering resistance and pretending that the organ supplements are what he was referring to, when it clearly wasn't.

Phoenix prefers Ayurverda over Aajonus' methods

In the video "Primal Diet 303", which is supposed to be about advanced Primal Diet, Phoenix says he doesn't do iridology readings, which is Aajonus' main method of analysis, but instead uses Ayurverda to diagnose people.

This is yet another, direct, confirmation that Phoenix prefers Ayurverda over Aajonus' methods.

He will always put Ayurveda principles before Aajonus' principles, even when they are in direct contradiction: if they tell people to fast, to eat less fat, to drink lemonade every day in the morning (instead of celery juice), to eat "cooling foods" (a concept which doesn't exist in Primal Diet and which Aajonus would define completely differently), etc.

Phoenix says liquid fats are solvents

He says the more liquid a fat is, the more it Will be used as a solvent such as coconut cream and raw cream.

However, according to Aajonus, raw dairy cream is not a solvent, and is extremely important to feed the brain, it is mostly anabolic and not catabolic. Aajonus recommends to strongly limit the consumption of solvents, but not of raw cream.

So this is another contradiction with Primal Diet.

Phoenix recommends deep tissue massages

Phoenix's original job seems to be a massage therapist.

He says he does deep tissue massages, however Aajonus is against anything more than light touch massages, because according to him, stronger massages can damage the lymphatic system under the skin.


Does massage help at all?


Massage won’t really do anything for that – it’ll cause a breakage in the lymphatic and make it worse. True lymphatic massage to me is a tickle, so it electrically moves things – so you’re tickling them.

Oct 14 , 2012, Q&A

Jeff stopped drinking dairy

Jeff Slay, whose life Aajonus saved, decided to stop drinking dairy most of the year.

As you can see in the photos, he now looks much weaker than when he was following Aajonus' advice.

James Slay before:

Jeff Slay now:

Aajonus says dairy is a very important part of the diet.


Milk also helps relieve a lot of poisons out of the body. Keeps a lot of people much healthier, like 5 times healthier than you can be without it. So milk is a very important thing.

Apr 4, 2010, Q&A

Sam promotes salmon

Sam is the social media manager of the "official real Primal Diet".

He posted meal photos on the Instagram page.


Aajonus claimed all salmon, even wild, became cross-bred with Monsanto GMO salmons, and that he stopped eating it entirely in 2007 after getting repeatedly sick from it.

It is strange they would promote this food on a Primal Diet page without even a warning.

He also writes "raw vegan wrap" in the description, which is a very dubious term to use.

Sam promotes eating egg yolks without the whites

They posted recipes that they created (they are not from Aajonus' book) on the Instagram account.

It contains a major flaw that Aajonus would not green-light: eating raw egg yolks intead of whole raw eggs.


Aajonus made experiments on this and found that in animals, eating raw egg yolks without the whites or vice-versa created severe imbalances.

Egg yolks can be eaten separately, but only if the egg whites are also eaten around the same time, to prevent this problem. They should not get discarded. This is why Aajonus requested the egg white to be brought to him in a separate cup when eating steak tartares (with the egg yolk on top) at restaurants.

Sam promotes eating raw cream with raw meat

On the same post, there is a turkey recipe that combines raw cream with raw meat.

According to Aajonus, because raw cream is one of the hardest fats to digest, it will prevent half of the raw meat from being digested if it is eaten together with it, unless the cream is already sour (fermented, which makes it pre-digested).

Sam promotes fruit with red meat

High carb fruit eaten with red meat can give very strong detoxification. It should absolutely come with a warning. This is a basic and important food combining rule of the Primal Diet.


Sam promotes whole vegetables

In the sushis, there was already a significant portion of whole raw carrot and of seaweed per unit.

On this photo, there is whole cucumber, not peeled.


Aajonus warned that more than a very small amount (around 2 tablespoons) of whole vegetables per meal can lacerate the intetines and severely hinder raw meat digestion. The problem lies in the hard cellulose fiber of whole vegetables, which is different from the pulp of fruits.

No warning given on the post or at their meeting where this food was served.

Complete lack of direction

This is not even everything. 30% of things were left out to keep this review readable, it is already quite long.

We could have spoken about how their replies to many questions were very lackluster, how Kimberley eats frozen cauliflower pizza while saying she has been 20 years on the diet, etc.

In their video consults, the coaches do not mention quantities, schedules, nothing.

Major things are missing. The explanations given for most things are superificial.

They constantly break Primal Diet principles, including the most basic and important ones.

They all appear unsure of themselves and look at each other unconfomrtably on many instances.

Even people who were at their conference are able to fact-check them. Several reported about the nonsense that they heard there.

We can easily name 10 people from our groups who have a better understanding and knowledge of the Primal Diet than these "coaches".

A grift hijacking the Primal Diet for other businesses

We have seen above how they are going against Aajonus, systematically disregarding him, lying about what he says, but it goes even further than that.

What is their reason for doing this then, if they are not following Aajonus' teachings?

Why would they not just teach their own diet, instead of pretending to be teaching the Primal Diet?

At least two motives became apparent: they want money and status.

Phoenix and Kimberley are extensively promoting their own personal businesses (that do not align with Aajonus material) while using the Primal Diet coaching.

Phoenix has a blatant conflict of interest as he is promoting his own business "Blossom&Be" everywhere, including printing it on pages of Aajonus' books that he posts on the "official Primal Diet coaching" website.

The sales seem to go to his personal business entity and not to a Primal Diet-dedicated company.

The Signal group people from the Primal Diet website are added to doesn't even have "Primal Diet" in its name, it is called "Fat Cattle Kingdom".

Phoenix uses it to find investors, he asks people for millions to buy him a farm. So that's a reason for Phoenix to hijack the Primal Diet official structure, without even respecting Aajonus' works and scamming everyone with his anti-Primal Diet advice.

And why do the other coaches, such as Sam and Jeff, who themselves are not very good, but still look uncomfortable when they see Phoenix say nonsense, not correct him?

One very likely explanation is that they need him to make money. Phoenix has some experience organizing a business, creating a sales funnel, etc.

By compromising, they probably think they can make money with him. They must be scared that, if they listened to their conscience, since they have little business skills, they would stop making money.


These people need to be fired immediately.

If you have any information you want to share, or want to contact us, you can reach us on the following email:
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